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w h a t  w e  d o


At JerseyBoyz we hand craft, hand trim, hand package, and deliver the highest quality medical cannabis flower to the Island of Jersey, with the immediate local consumer at the heart of our bespoke, small-batch indoor cultivation operation.


Fully lab tested and approved for mycotoxins, microbial content, pesticide/fungicide residues and heavy metal content, giving you the consumer full transparency and peace of mind with accurate cannabinoid and terpene profiling.

With over 50 years cumulative cultivation experience, alongside highly skilled engineering and design, good management practises, EU GMP & GACP qualification and compliance, together with the latest in security and cultivation technology, we set the standard for the ever growing need, love and diversity of this plant, and the patients it serves.


We would like to hear from you if you have any questions; if you've tried our product and what you think; if there are any particular strains you'd like to try in the future, or if you'd like to get involved with the JerseyBoyz team. We relish the chance to work with local people and hope to help bring the local cannabis community together.



Mission Statement

We are not about big pharma


We are not about mass export


We are not about cutting corners


We are about the local consumer


We are about craft cannabis


We are about natural medicine


We will set the standard

 From Jersey. For Jersey.


Thank You.


© JerseyBoyz 2021 


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